Electric Deck Oven

Electric Deck Oven

These ovens are ideal for small volume businesses. However, it can also be used as an auxiliary oven in large-scale enterprises for the purpose of cooking products such as pizza, baklava, pies, cakes and cakes.

It has touch and manual control panel options.

Optionally, the number of floors can be increased up to 4 floors and a yeast chamber or coffee table can be placed under it.

Dimensions and quantities of pans that can be placed inside for each layer are as shown in the technical table.

Each floor can be operated independently between 0-300C, floor and ceiling temperatures separately.

Only electrically operated model is available.

Thanks to the specially produced stones for cooking, the heat retention is at the maximum level.

Thanks to the glass lids and special lighting system, the cooked products can be easily observed.


Technicial Specifications Unit MB-EKF 45 MB-EKF 90 MB-EKF 180
Cooking Area m2 0,68 1,15 2,31
Pan Capacity 350 x 450 4 6 12
400 x 600 2 4 8
600 x 800 1 2 4
External Dimensions H mm 1950 1950 1950
H1 mm 350 350 350
H2 mm 760 760 760
A mm 1100 1560 1560
B mm 1610 1610 2550
Internal Dimensions a mm 740 1245 1245
b mm 920 920 1800
c mm 210 210 210
Voltage V 380VAC 50Hz + N + PE
Electric Power kW 5 + 2 10 + 4 18 + 4
Heat Capacity kcal/h 4,3 8,6 17,2
Maximum Degree ºC 300 300 300
Energy Resources   Electric
Weight kg 170 280 560